Delano Johnson Quotes

Delano Johnson Quotes

If I can’t spend the rest of my life with you, I will live alone.. Delano
If I can’t spend the rest of my life with you, I will live alone.

Her beauty is a mastery of peace.. Delano Johnson
Her beauty is a mastery of peace.

Love is serious and tolerant. Magnificent and noble.. Delano Johnson
Love is serious and tolerant. Magnificent and noble.

I’m a man of integrity. My heart is locked and I have given you the only
I’m a man of integrity. My heart is locked and I have given you the only key.

I think people should put more emphasis on love, family, and caring for other people. We focus so much on the negative and bad in life, we need to focus more on the positive and happy things.

A relationship is more likely to succeed if positive attributes are confidently set in place and
A relationship is more likely to succeed if positive attributes are confidently set in place and adhered to.

Conditional love. Far from Gods original love.. Delano Johnson
Conditional love. Far from Gods original love.

Perfect bliss, from just the thought of you next to me.

Forever, if she promises to never part the ocean where the river sings.

I looked at an angel today, but the angel could not see me. The angel was more amazing than beautiful, like the best forgotten dream.

A good woman comes in all shapes and colors.
When you find her, adore her.

I promised her that I would never kiss and tell, but I have to tell someone about my dreams and fairytales. So I’m telling you that I kissed her.

I close my eyes to indulge and reminisce of a sunset that never existed.

You are my reality, fantasy, daydream, fairytale, music, more than the princess in Cinderella; you are much more than a traditional myth.

If I cannot fix your broken heart can I put mine in its place, because these stars are not enough, and all the money in the world does not equal your worth.

Romance her, enhance her, desire her, put her first.

I must find you. So I travel to the depths of hell and conquer perverse monsters and repulsive demons and the deceitful vicious devil himself to find the truth.

Honor a good woman because she is virtuous and honorable.

Impulsive passion please set me free.

Creation of a pregnant imagination.

The beauty of words will forever be stronger than the silence of tears.

We simply can’t feel fulfilled by love we pay for.

Joys circular fulfillment was so persistent, when I was weak it gave me strength.

Her silhouette never has regrets.

Reminiscent of a diamond, she is gifted, privileged, and positioned to glisten.

Your love is like star sky showers and magenta unicorns.

You are a fantastic scheme of captivating ecstasy.

Frequent friction when love becomes political.

I cry looking at our reality, through slave eyes. I bet they would say our generation has crossed the line.

You can run from the truth. You can run and hide from the truth.
You can deny and avoid the truth. But you cannot destroy the truth. Nor can you make the lie true. You must know that love will always uncover the truth.

I wish that I could fly into the sky and touch the clouds with my hands.

Men take care of your responsibilities with maturity.

In you I see an immaculate woman full of feminine grace and untarnished beauty.

Many women have tried to compare to you, but they are only flawed imitations. You deserve the worlds admiration.

My emotions have already spilled out on a canvas; I need you my king, to rescue me from the madness!

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