Emil Cioran Quotes

Emil Cioran Quotes

A book is a suicide postponed.

Word - That invisible dagger.

The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live -moreover, the only one.

Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knows, against all he knows.

To live entirely without a goal! I have glimpsed this state, and have often attained it, without managing to remain there: I am too weak for such happiness.

Knowledge subverts love: in proportion as we penetrate our secrets, we come to loathe our kind, precisely because they resemble us.

Nu pot fi eu insumi decat daca ma inalt pana la furie sau cobor pana la descurajare: la nivelul meu obisnuit, ignor faptul ca exist.

I try-without success-to stop finding reasons for vanity in anything. When I happen to manage it nonetheless, I feel that I no longer belong to the mortal gang. I am above everything then, above the gods themselves. Perhaps that is what death is: a sensation of great, of extreme superiority.

As long as one believes in philosophy, one is healthy; sickness begins when one starts to think.

Tristetea, ca si suferinta, ne revela existenta, deoarece în ele avem în constiinta separatia noastra de lumea obiectiva si nelinistea care da un caracter tragic vietuirii în existenta.
Daca ar exista un zeu al tristetii, lui nu i-ar putea creste decât aripi negre si grele, pentru a zbura nu înspre ceruri, ci în infern.

Femeia-i Paradisul ca noapte.

Cunoașterea este o plagă pentru viață, iar conștiința o rană deschisă în sâmburele vieții.

Think of God and not religion, of ecstasy and not mysticism. The difference between the theoretician of faith and the believer is as great as between the psychiatrist and the psychotic.

Between Ennui and Ecstasy unwinds our whole experience of time.

Usted puede ser tan pesimista, o en su defecto tan existencialista como quiera. Sin embargo también se ha enamorado. Cómo cualquier idiota.

The Real gives me asthma.

The sense that everything is going wrong has existed in every era, and rightly so since men have found no greater pleasure than in inventing new ways to make each other miserable.

The desire to die was my one and only concern; to it I have sacrificed everything, even death.

Né avec une âme habituelle, j'en ai demandé une autre à la musique : ce fut le début de malheurs inespérés.

În afară de materie,totul este muzică:însuşi Dumnezeu nu e decât o halucinaţie sonoră

În afară de muzică şi poezie,totul e minciună sau vulgaritate.

Nu poţi cunoaşte un om decât după nivelul la care s-a ridicat muzica în sufletul lui.

For the normal man, life is an undisputed reality; only the sick man is delighted by life and praises it so that he won't collapse.

Верный способ не сойти с ума в иных обстоятельствах: вспомнить о нереальности всего ок%D

I foresee the day when we shall read nothing but telegrams and prayers.

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