Fawn Weaver Quotes

Fawn Weaver Quotes

Connection starves suspicion.

Creating a happy marriage begins with choosing the right spouse.

You can either feed negative thoughts or you can starve the suckers.

If you can figure out how to choose happiness in your marriage daily, and stop sweating the small stuff, it'll take ten years off your life.

When you give a happy couple the opportunity to talk about what makes marriage great, it's like a water spigot you can't quite turn off.

Every happily married person I interviewed on my trip was grateful for his or her spouse, thanking God daily for one another.

Happy marriages are alive and well. The cries of their demise have been highly overrated, and couples happily married do indeed exist.

Bonnie and Jerry told me they never run away fro disagreements. They face each one head-on. "By holding it in, you'll begin to slowly form a negative opinion of each other," Bonnie reasoned, "which means you can't work out what the disagreement is.

Those who don't take themselves too seriously have marriages that seem to just be better.

Making love is not equivalent to love. But not making love is most certainly a waste. We didn't want to be wasteful.

Early in our marriage, we knew that once the kids were gone, we would still be married and have to work on it. So, we decided to pay it forward. We worked in the first year like we wanted things to be in the fiftieth year. I'm so glad we did.

Divorce was never a thought...A life together forever was our only plan.

I've known plenty of couples who choose to ignore budding problems or dissatisfactions because it's easier in the moment. But too much of that for long enough, and you all of a sudden have a huge problem on your hands, or a midlife crisis, or a broken marriage.

Like most complicated things where it's easy to get derailed, their marriage was successful because they mastered the basics. From that mastery they could weather anything.

Sometimes your talent can steer you away from your passion.

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