Hannah Brencher Quotes

Hannah Brencher Quotes

They were the kind of words you read back and every lettered limb surprises you because you never knew you really felt those things the whole time.

She didn't know if it was God. She wasn't really sure what to call it. She
She didn't know if it was God. She wasn't really sure what to call it. She just knew she believe in unconditional love. And that was really all that mattered.

Because you deserve dignity, beyond anything else in this world. You deserve a God, and a faith, and a belief that finds you dignified at the core.

God is a lot of things to a lot of people but I don't think He
God is a lot of things to a lot of people but I don't think He is a cheap party host with limited grace to give out.

When it came to talking with God, I wanted to believe he was like those stars. If I looked, he’d be there. I’d lost a lot of things in the years that led up to this point - shoes and keys and books and boyfriends - but I never lost that hope

I could feel God. It was like he was setting fine fingerprints all over the moment. I could feel him in it, as if he were saying to me, “Girl, I’m gonna blow the hinges off anything you think a love letter is, was , or could be. If you would just release the grip, I could turn your whole like into a love letter.

Remember: whatever is burrowed deep in one hungry soul is bound to be tethered to the hearts of many, many more.

Some people are dotted lines and other people are destinations. Some people get you somewhere and
Some people are dotted lines and other people are destinations. Some people get you somewhere and some people are just a place to be, all in themselves. But you cannot force those dotted lines into destinations.

And that’s the truth I needed to swallow: people don’t step out and love for you; that’s on you. You have to be the one to get down deep enough and whisper the words people can’t always say for you - whether you believe in them full or not - “I choose you. I choose you.

Even though love covers all things, fear is what keeps us silent and keeps words unsaid. Fear keeps us standing in one place. Eventually, when it wins, it means we never got the courage to say what we needed to say.

Fear and failure, they go hand in hand. They’re like dance partners with great rhythm.. Hannah
Fear and failure, they go hand in hand. They’re like dance partners with great rhythm.

Looking back, I wish that everyone could have that sort of moment: a moment where you realize that your hands are so impossibly small and this world is so impossibly big. And the two don’t seem to add up. Maybe recognizing the smallness of your own hands is just the very first step to changing anything at all.

Like why do we even have to go through meeting people when we know they aren't
Like why do we even have to go through meeting people when we know they aren't going to stay in our lives?

Agape" is loving a person for exactly who they are - not who we hope they'll become with enough fixing. It's this idea that every person has their layers, so you can never confine a person to only what you know about them from the first glance. It's stacked on the premise that to love anyone is to hope in them always.

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