Khalid Masood Quotes

Khalid Masood Quotes

Sound goes through all times.

Time is the best work of God.

There is light in the world, and it is time.

In the world of time, all things are possible.

Moments are words that need to be written.

Nationalism is a disease, a cancer on the body of the world.

Time is the truth inside an illusion.

Truth is all relative.

The only truth is time.

Time is a canvas, constantly re-painted.

To understand God's thoughts, one must study time.

Time is the cosmological evidence for God.

Time is Art of God.

There is only one god and his name is Time.

Not believing in time is the same as not believing in God.

God' is not a scientific term.

Time is the DNA of God.

Time is as old as God.

God is as old as time.

God used time in creating the universe.

Time is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of God.

The multiverse is a non-prophet organization of God.

The universe is a fun of God.

Time is a code and its password is in the mind of God.

Time is but timing of God.

Time is an invention of God.

Time is fun of God.

Time is the Mind of God.

My God is my time.

The problem of God is the problem of gods.

The problem of science is the problem of God.

Time is the source of all true knowledge.

Religion, in its purest form, is Science.

Science is the purest religion.

Time has no religion.

I don't trust equations. I trust quotes.

Quotes exceed authors' lifespan.

Science is measurement. Measurement is not science but technology.

Science is measurement, measurement is not science.

The main facts in science are five: time, space, motion, light and gravity.

Physics is the science of metaphysics.

Only a life lived for science is a life worthwhile.

Time is the big bang, the original force of the universe.

Wind is renewable. Time is not.

I don't care what you think unless it is about time.

Nothing exists except moments and time; everything else is opinion.

With time, everything is possible.

Everything is a face of time.

Time is face of everything.

Face is index of your time.

Everything is the index of time.

Time is a divine energy.

Time is a divine force.

Time is the secret language of the universe which no one can understand.

There are no walls at the edge of the universe. Absence of time is the limit of space existence.

Time has its own kind of force.

Time has its own dimensions.

Time has its dimensions.

A moment of time is a firm foundation of a universe construction.

Time is a firm foundation of a universe construction.

The good thing about time is that it's real whether or not you believe in it.

Time has its own kind of stuff.

Time has its own force.

The universe is all about time.

Time is all about dimensions.

Geometry is all about time.

Time is all about geometry.

Time has no speed limit.

Time has its own energy.

There is a force more powerful than the fundamental forces of nature: time.

Time is really just organized timing.

A moment of time is the biggest mystery in physics.

The true mystery of the universe is a moment of time, not the universe itself.

Time within you is divine.

Time always wins.

Light, I'm pretty sure, is time.

Time always overcomes everything.

We are all made from the moments of time and connected to each other and all times.

Time is a life-giving quantity.

All quantities have expiry dates but time never expires.

Everything has expiry date but the time never expires.

The universe has no value if there is no time.

Time is enough.

Time is progressive.

Time is accelerating.

Time brings us the news of the Universe.

Reduce time, increase the concentration.

Time is the source of light.

Time is light for the universe.

Time, I'm pretty sure, is light.

How Big is a Moment of Time?

Time is the secret of life, the universe, and everything.

Time is the mother of all secrets.

Time is a divine stuff.

I travel time. But not at the same speed.

Light is not light. It is time.

Time is stranger than matter.

Time is ubiquitous in our lives and is so common that we seldom even think about it.

Time is the measure of all things.

Time is the key to the heart of physics.

Where there is nothing, there is time.

Time is the biggest power of the universe.

Time. The most powerful word in the language. In any language.

Time can make anything by timing.

We are all time stuff.

Stars are all time stuff.

The universe is all time stuff.

Time is measure of all things.

The only reason for time is time.

Time itself is everything and 'nothing'.

Time itself is consciousness, life, the universe, and everything.

Nothing in the universe makes sense except in the light of time.

Time and uncertainty go hand in hand.

Time and information go hand in hand.

The only measurement I understand is a moment of time.

Time is more important than matter,
The moment more important than the particle.

The invisible reminder of visible universe.

There is light in the universe, and it is time.

Time is logic is time is the law which governs the universe.

Time is logic.

Time is logic, logic is time.

All logic is time.

Time is magic.

All magic is time.

Time is magic, magic is time.

Time is amazing.

Time has a memory with life, the universe, and everything.

Time has a memory with the universe.

The universe and time inseparable.

Time is memory.

Nothing stands still, except time.

Nothing move but time.

A life without time is no life at all.

Time can erase mind memory.

The universe without time is no universe at all.

Time is the tag of the universe.





Time is the source of sharing quantities.

Time is real and independent of space. Space is a manufactured quantity and a form of time. Time is not a manufactured quantity in any sense.

The meaning of time is that it never stops.

Time contains all the ingredients of an insoluble mystery of life, the universe and everything.

Nothing is in motion. Nothing flows. Nothing is vibrating. Time is in motion. Time flows. Time is vibrating.

Time is my universe.

Time is everything.

Time is everything, everything is time.

Time sucks, and then you die.

Time is silent.

The only difference between time and space is that time is real.

Time can change the laws of physics.

The real ultimate extreme level of a moment of time is nothing.

Time goes on.

Time needs no explanation.

There is no stuff like time.

Nothing' is a state of time.

Time has no age, no limit; and no death.

Time has no boundaries.

I'm alone. There is no time where I am.

You have no idea how big is a moment of time.

You have no idea how big or small is a moment of time.

If there is no time, there is no progress.

It takes no time to create a new universe.

Time is unpredictable, real, and interesting.

If there is no time , there is no life.

There is nothing so stable as time.

A good time strengthens the soul.

Time is the only constant.

The only real quantity is time.

There is nothing permanent except time.

Time is Art of Nature.

Time is the only way to run away without leaving home.

The universe without time is just eh.

Listen to your time.

Time is art of the art.

The enemy of time is time itself.

The universe is an untold story of time.

Physics is the story of time, with everything or nothing.

Matter is a matter of time.

Life, the universe and everything is a matter of time.

Time doesn't follow your timetable and you will never know its timetable.

Time is the pulse of all times.

The Multiverse is time, in all its dimensions.

No emptiness in universe,
time permeates everything.

It takes a long time to become human.

Time is the only distance between parallel universes.

Everything will be lost in time.

Time promotes the universe.

The universe's true face is time.

It is a moment of time that starts an idea.

Time is consciousness.

Everything is index of time.



Face is index of time.

In my dreams, time never has an age.

Time don't get older, it get better.

How can I escape a cage build by time.

Time is running out of the universe.

A moment of time is the universe's fastest growing entity.

Everything is time, including time.

The road is time.

The depth of time is endless.

Time will overcome.

Time is running out of us.

Time is running out of life, the universe and everything.

Time is the universe's fastest growing entity.

Time runs the fastest when it is independent of everything.

Time gave us memory.

Time has a memory.

Remember a moment of time... for it is the beginning of always.

Everything is a form of time.

Light is a form of time.

Time is a state of matter.

Matter is a form of time.

Energy is a form of time.

Time is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.

We are surrounded by time everywhere we look.

Time is composed of moments.

Time needs you.

Time is the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Time has no color.

Yesterday is but time's memory, and tomorrow is time's dream.

Time is a long journey of a moment.

Time is longer than anything.

The universe is but a concept of time.

Time is a journey, not a destination.

The definition of time is a moment.

Time is measured by moments.

Become the master of your time.

The secret of life is not in the DNA,
The secret of life is in a moment of time.

The secret of matter is not the elementary particles,
The secret of matter is in a moment of time.

what is not true does not exist.

Time is real or not...This is the true question.

I don't believe in the universe. I believe in time.

Time travels the fastest when it is alone.

Time flies fastest.

Time can and will create itself from nothing.

Time itself is everything.

Time is at the core of so many aspects of modern physics.

An ultimate extreme level of a moment is the black hole of time.

Time has no remote , so wake up and change it.

Give me time and I will build a universe out of it.

Give me a moment of time and I will build a universe out of it.

Time is the Universe, Expressing itself as Time.

Time has no age.

History is time, time history.

Time is every thing.

Time is my everything.

Higgs mechanism should be renamed “Time mechanism

Time binds together the universe as we know it.

Time is timeless, like a broken clock.

Time can buy everything.

Time never lies.

Evolution is the evidence of time.

All matter is motion. All motion is time.

The sky is where time and magic become one.

Time don't know its limits.

Without time, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is time. Everything around you are moments.

Time is the evidence of evolution.

Never confuse time with space.

Time is older than space.

Time is older than the universe.

In my opinion, without time you could have no space, and without time matter would not exist. Space must never be thought of as pre-existing in any sense; it is a manufactured quantity. Space is a form of time. Time is real and not a manufactured quantity.

Time existed before the universe including space and it will exist far after the universe along with space is gone. Space, gravity and all quantities only originates and exists at the mercy of time. Matter only exists because of time.

Space and time are fraternal twins.

The universe isn't a matter of matter, but time.

The universe is a fun of time.

The language of time is geometry.

To become aware of the nature of time is to become aware of singularity.

Time is the hidden language of the universe.

Time is the language of the universe.

The universe is the title of time.

The most dangerous thing in the universe is a moment of time.

I am a time addict.

I know time is real because I feel it.

Nothing is more magical than time.
Nothing is more real than time.

You inherit your time just as much as your genes.

Without time the universe is pointless.

Timing is time, time timing.

Time is more than the Multiverse.

One must love time.

It's all sacred time.

Time is more than life.

Without time geometry is pointless.

Time is more than living.

Geometry is the language of time.

Time is immortal, all else mortal.

Nothing is forever. Except time.

Matter and energy are dimensions of time.

Time is more than the universe.

There's no such thing as spacetime; there's only time.

Time is certain uncertain.

Everything is time.

Everything is because of time.

The creation of the universe did not occur at the beginning of time, it occurs every moment.

Time has no end.

Nothing is the other end of time.

Time is a distributed quantity of the Multiverse.

Time and clock time are two different things.

Observe the beauty of time.

All of life is a dispute over time and timing.

Time is the source of everything.

The source of all light is time.

The source of all quantities is time.

The source of all motion is time.

The source of life, the universe and everything is time.

Time is the mother of everything.

Give me the password of time and I will construct the universe.

You can't breathe without time.

Time is more than one universe.

Time is inevitable. Life, the universe and everything is optional.

Gravity is a habit of time.

Time is presence.

There are only two forces in the universe, the spirit and time. In the long run the spirit will always be conquered by time.

I want to be like time. I want to travel through time.

Energy is time, and time is everything.

There's no consciousness without time.

Time is the consciousness of space.

Time is the driving force in the universe.

Within each of us, there is time. Time as vast as the universe. And when we experience that time, we remember who we are.

Time is the strongest force the universe possesses.

I believe in nature, only I spell it time.

It's Time's time.

Time is the memory of the universe.

Always in motion are the moments of time.

Fluctuating ultimate extreme levels of a moment of time is the fabric of the cosmos.

When following time, Zero we never find.

I love talking about time. It is the only real thing.

A moment of time can destroy the universe.

How empty is the universe in the absence of time.

Life starts from a moment and ends in a moment of time.

Time is the element and prime cause of the universe and all existence.

Time is scary.

Define the word moment, and you'll know whether time exists.

It isn’t space that folds, it’s time.

The universe is a non-prophet organization of time.

A moment is a paradox of time.

Time is the biggest paradox of all time.

Nothing is energy and everything is time.

Time is a continuous journey of self-creation.

Time is about everything.

My life is my time theory.

Physics is all about time.

It's all about time.

Only time is awesome.

Time can change the truth.

All that is not time is death.

Time is the mother of all infinities.

Time goes through all infinities.

Time is the color of rainbow. Rainbow doesn't have colors.

Time is the mother of infinite dimensions.

Take care of your time. Its the only place you have to live.

Time has infinite dimensions.

My life is my journey with time.

When you have time you have everything.

Today is a gift of time.

Follow time, not people.

Time is truth, truth time.

99% of time has a higher purpose and is not the Multiverse as labeled by scientists.

Time is great.

Waiting for time is never a waste of time.

Give me the password of time, and I will create the Universe.

The heaven in not a place but a state of matter.

Time, you don't know, looks like magic.

Evolution is necessity of time.

Sleep is time. Be time.

Time is the strongest form of matter.

Nothing is the strongest form of time.

Once upon a time there was only a moment of time and no any universe.

Follow time. It knows the way.

Secrecy is the language of time.

Time is a canvas, so paint your own life.

Time has no destiny.

Time's the limit.

I am my time.

Time is in charge of the universe.

Beauty is all relative.

Beauty' is not a scientific term.

The only thing better than sex is more sex.

It's all about sex.

There is no evolution in sex.

But in my opinion, nothing in nature occur mathematically.

Nothingness lies in the heart of everything.

Nothing' lies in the heart of the universe.

Nothing is the key to the heart of everything.

Love is the key to the heart of people.

There is nothing at the heart of everything.

Heart has a memory.

Reality exists in 'nothing', and nowhere else.

Reality is in a moment of now.

Nothing is the other end of Reality.

Research (study) is better than war.

Arms lovers are sick people.

There are always two truths, the real one and the one people know about.

Power of prayer is power of time.

Time is the power of God.

A moment after a moment after a moment is power.

My soul is in the moment of time.

Three things in research are important. The first is passion. The second is passion. And the third is passion.

Passion is a state of mind.

Research is one thing: passion.

Science tells me time is an illusion.
My heart tells me time must exist.
My mind tells me I'll never understand time.

Thinking is an act of time, not a trick of mind.

Mind is a state of matter.

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