Lindsay Detwiler Quotes

Lindsay Detwiler Quotes

No matter where I am in my life, no matter what I am doing, I will never be far from you in my heart. I may be moving on, but I’m not moving away from you. You will always be in my soul, a part of my present, and a fleeting dream for my future." ~Emma Ranstein

No one can soothe my inner being like you. No one can make me look to the future with such excitement like you did. No one can understand me, fulfill me, fit me like you did." ~Emma Ranstein

The feelings that still linger, decade after decade, aren’t just the residue of a love lost. They are as real as the first day I told her I loved her." ~Corbin Jones, Voice of Innocence

If she’s gonna love again, it won’t be an eternity but a hard, fast conflagration that leaves everyone else in the embers.

As we change, we sometimes outgrow our friendships. And, since we cannot change this fact, it is best to simply accept it for what it is in order to appreciate the power that the friend had in your life when he or she was a part of it.

Nonetheless, love is a funny thing. More specifically, second loves are a funny thing. For no matter how special that second or third or even fourth love is, no matter how much you can’t live without him, the first one always creeps in.

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