Susan Abulhawa Quotes

Susan Abulhawa Quotes

We're all born with the greatest treasures we'll ever have in life. One of those treasures is your mind, another is your heart.

I loved her in spite of myself. I loved her immeasurably.
Infinitely. And I feared that love as much as I feared my own fury at the

A persistent breeze lifted the thin curtains, fluttering a few moments of tranquility into the turbulent day.

For I'll keep my humanity, though I did not keep my promises.
... and Love shall not be wrested from my veins.

استغرب كيف تتحول الأشياء الضعيفة، حتى الكلمات إلى أشياء شريرة، من دون رحمة، من أجل بلوغ %D

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