Agreement Quotes

Michael Bassey Johnson

If anyone doesn't agree with you, the truth is on your side.. Michael Bassey Johnson
If anyone doesn't agree with you, the truth is on your side.

Amit Kalantri

Compromise brings harmony to both, happiness to none.

Daniel Willey

There are billions of people in this world that don’t believe or act exactly as we do. It is not our place to reject them, only accept them. Again, we don’t have to agree with everything they believe or do, but we do need to love and accept who they are.

D.R. Silva

I will never compromise Truth for the sake of getting along with people who can only get along when we agree.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

The agreement or disagreement or its sense with reality constitutes its truth or falsity.

Jane Austen

Elinor agreed with it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition.

Colin Quinn

A lot of lip service gets paid to being honest, but no one really wants to hear it unless what's being said is the party line.

Anthony Liccione

It's useless to paint a closed door, in order to change its color. The door needs to be open for both sides to change as same.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Hold it right there. The only agreement we ever had was that you intended to make me as miserable as possible, and I intended to courageously make the best of an intolerable situation like valiant Southern women have always done.

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Așa-i de când lumea, că cine se introspectează prea mult, acela nu mai e de acord nici cu sine însuși, în cele din urmă, iar cine nu-i de acord cu sine însuși, acela nu-i capabil să ia o hotărâre.

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