Brodi Ashton Quotes

Brodi Ashton Quotes

Faith?” The word popped out before I could think about it. “Faith in what? A higher power? The gods? The universe?” My voice cracked at the end, and I realized what this whole thing had done to my faith, if I’d had any to begin with. I realized that the thought of a higher being in charge of all this made me angry.

...And began typing.
We will not be meeting in my bedroom. Jack and I will meet you at your condo at midnight.

Two minutes later there was an answer.

Sounds Kinky. I'll break out the whips and chains. You wear that pair of black boots I like.

It says 'Bet you were expecting a heart, shaped like a compass...'" Jack paused and pulled the note off the bow tie. "...And then he drew a frowny face.

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