Clementine Von Radics Quotes

Clementine Von Radics Quotes

All this time
I drank you like the cure when maybe
you were the poison.

But my heart is an old house
(the kind my mother
grew up in)
hell to heat and cool
and faulty in the wiring
and though it’s nice to look at
I have no business
inviting lovers in.

I said, I love you
when I meant something much
more specific, I should have said,
Please don't leave me,
I'm afraid to sleep alone.

You never need to apologize
for how you chose to survive.
-You Have Six Tattoos

There Is A Lion In My Living Room

I feed it raw meat
so it does not hurt me.
It is a strange thing
to nourish what could kill you
in the hopes it does not kill you.

I think I like my brain best
in a bar fight with my heart.
I think I like myself a little broken,
with rough edges, a little harder
to grasp. I like poetry
better than therapy anyway.
The poems never judge me
for healing wrong.

I will love you when you are a still day.
I will love you when you are a hurricane.

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