David Bowie Quotes

David Bowie Quotes

... And these children
that you spit on
as they try to change their worlds
are immune to your consultations.
They're quite aware
of what they're going through...

He flexes like a whore
Falls wanking to the floor
His trick is you and me, boy

I have someone who loves me for me. Seriously, it REALLY helps!' Bowie on marrying Iman

You would think that a rock star being married to a super-model would be one of the greatest things in the world. It is.

People are so fucking dumb. Nobody reads anymore, nobody goes out and looks and explores the society and culture they were brought up in. People have attention spans of five seconds and as much depth as a glass of water.

Everywhere I looked, demons of the future [were] on the battlegrounds of one’s emotional plane.

Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming

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