David Thewlis Quotes

David Thewlis Quotes

I want that. I want that awful intense and serious unhappiness, cos then I might feel better, and then I might be happy.

He'd been let down so often
His brow was on the floor
But then they found
A small hole in the ground
And let him down some more

An hour crept by. I think it was an hour. I hardly recognized it. Bearing no resemblance to any of the numerous other hours of my acquaintance, I hardly recognized a single second of it.

I feel like I'm in a film about a struggling artist who keeps getting up at all hours of the night to look at his big, blank empty canvas. And in a way I am. Except that i'm not struggling. I'm Hector Kipling. I might be getting up at all hours of the night to look at my big, blank, empty canvas, but I am not fucking struggling.

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