Jael McHenry Quotes

Jael McHenry Quotes

This is home, it's the only place I want to be, but at the same time everything familiar feels strange. It's the same as it ever was except without the people who most belong here.

My world had turned upside down again and again, which should mean it's right side up now, but it isn't. Everything's different, everything's the same.

It's a French technique. Soups get screened, and sauces. Forced through a tamis or a chinois. Everything that comes out is smooth and all the rough parts get left behind, thrown away. I don't want to be screened.

I find the title How to Be Good. Curious, I open it up. I'm disappointed to find it's fiction.

there is something intriguing about knowing how things are going to turn out, but being constantly surprised about how they'll get there.

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