Michael Monroe Quotes

Michael Monroe Quotes

We don’t want our politicians bending to the whims of whichever corporation has the money to pay them off.

That’s what you people do, isn’t it? Make assumptions and sell them to impressionable idiots.

We need to keep government small, but we also need to keep the influence of big business small, and we need to keep the power in the hands of the people, where it belongs. Big government and big business aren’t the only two alternatives.

People didn’t love all of this when they still had it. If you love something, you do what’s best for it. You don’t destroy it.

Humans have been doin’ awful things to each other throughout history. Humanity’s not as great as you make it out to be. I do what needs to be done, and that’s that. We’re about to go to war, Earl. There ain’t no humanity in war.

There’s a big difference between being numb to something and being immune to it.

It was one of those dreams from which she woke up depressed about her reality, filled with a longing that pulled at her insides, wishing the dream could have lasted forever, or at least much longer than it had.

A good friend is someone who gets ya drunk and then walks ya home afterwards.

Money is a tool we use to reach certain ends. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s hard to come by, though, so when opportunities arise, we need to make the most of them.

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