Morris L. West Quotes

Morris L. West Quotes

I believe in saints as I believe in sanctity. I believe in miracles as I believe in God, who can suspend the laws of His own making. But I believe, too, that the hand of God writes plainly and simply, for all men of good will to read. I am doubtful of His presence in confusion and conflicting voices.

One has to abandon altogether the search for security, and reach out to the risk of living with both arms. One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing.

L’œuvre est une expression de ce qu'est l'homme, de ce qu'il sent, de ce en quoi il croit. Si elle se perpétue et si elle se développe, ce n'est pas tant à cause de l'homme qui l'a entreprise, mais parce que d'autres hommes pensent et sentent de la même façon.

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