Page Morgan Quotes

Page Morgan Quotes

I was wrong, Gabby, and I'll apologize for it forever if you want me to. But the truth is I couldn't face you. If I came to you and you sent me away, if I knew for certain that you didn't want me anymore...God in heaven, Gabriella Waverly, I've never been so bloody afraid of a lass before.

He barred his forearm across Marco's brawny chest and shoved him against the stone door. "She may not be mine, but I am still hers.

What she felt for him wasn't a sin.
"If you'll remain a gentleman?" she asked.
Nolan swiveled on his heels and twirled her into the shadowy booth. He stepped inside the small space with her, their bodies forced even closer together. "Define gentleman," he said, his breath already hot against her neck.

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