Robin Wasserman Quotes

Robin Wasserman Quotes

Now I existed solely thanks to the quantum paradox, my brain a collection of qubits in quantum superposition, encoding truths and memories, imagination and irrationality in opposing, contradictory states that existed and didn't exist, all at the same time.

Even now, I believe that to know how is useless if we do not know why. And there are too many who forbid us to ask.

A fundamentalist is someone who wants to substitute what he believes for what you believe," Max said. "And someone who thinks he knows the will of God better than anyone else.

It's significantly more satisfying to kick a wall than it is to kick thin air. For the rebellious teen- or the teen who wants to feel like a rebel- a clearly defined law gives you something to define yourself against.

Popularity gives you power only over people who care about being popular. Ostracism gives you power only over those who fear being ostracized.

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