Sakin Maharjan Quotes

Sakin Maharjan Quotes

I have my own ego, greed, love and a passion but sometime that same greed and ego kneels me down. In that moment I don't kneel and cry for my ego but I will clear a dirt over my pant and run for my passion. Ego can kill us but not your passion not your love. Move On!!!

Better collapse earlier than giving up later, but what best is never giving up.

Sketch what you got, it will determine what you will be.

Success is when you can differentiate between Today and Tomorrow.

देश तब विकास हुन्छ जब सारा शिक्षित व्यक्ति ले दोष सरकार लाई

Its just a matter of time, a positive mentality and a freedom; you will find yourself enjoying in your own world.

Concept changes but not the style we favour, friends changes but not a choices.

With no words strucking in my mind, with no goals... standing alone in a window watching a lone moon shining in my face. A drop falling from my eyes for no reasons, feels like missing someone, not her but for one I loved.

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