Tatjana Soli Quotes

Tatjana Soli Quotes

Clear now that she was as dependent as any addict on the drug of the war. He had underestimated the damage in her.

Pictures could not be accessories to the story - evidence - they had to contain the story within the frame; the best picture contained a whole war within one frame.

A woman sees war differently.

Saigon in utter darkness this last night of the war. A gestating monster. Her letter to Linh had been simple: I love you more than life, but I had to see the end.

She had always assumed that her life would end inside the war, that the war itself would be her eternal present, as it was for Darrow and for her brother. The possibility of time going on, her memories growing dim, the photographs of the battles turning from life into history terrified her.

She consoled herself with the thought that the pictures were graphic enough to shake people up, stop them being complacent about what was happening, and if that meant the war would end sooner, those two deaths weren't in vain. As she hoped, with less and less confidence each day, that Michael's had not been in vain. Too much waste to bear.

What was the point of living through history if you didn't record it?

Why did someone fall in love with you because you were one thing, and then want you to be something else?

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