Tianti Quotes

Tianti Quotes

TheProphet Muhammad never appeared at public prayers. A few hours after returned from the mosque, he died. But if you really do worship Allah then know that Allah is living and will never die.

when Muhammad was 25 years old, he traveled once more to Syria as a factor of noble & rich Quraishi widow named Khadijah and having proved himself fatihful in the commercial interest of that lady, he soon rewarded with her hand in marriage.

Prophet Muhammad rises to start his mission for Allah.
When wrapped in profound meditation and sad, he felt himself called by a voices from heaven to arise "O you (Muhammad) enveloped (in garments)! arise and warn! and your Lord (Allah) magnity ! (Qur'an ch 74: 1-3).

Qur'an #2
The Qur'anic relevations said to fall into 2 categories. Those received in Makkah establish the credentials of Muhammad as the Prophet of Islam and talk about communities and generations. Whilst those received in Medinah describe the duties and norm of behaviour for muslim.

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