Zbigniew Herbert Quotes

Zbigniew Herbert Quotes

You can be a good painter if you study Cézanne's vision. Whoever dares to copy Van Gogh falls inevitably into the hell of imitators. For this painter didn't care about masterpieces, or even good paintings... but about what is beyond all painting, all art.

I do not turn to history to draw from it an easy lesson of hope, but to confront my experience with that of others, to acquire something I might call universal compassion, and also a sense of responsibility, responsibility for the state of my conscience.

a przecież kupowałem w salonach sztuki
pudry mikstury maście
szminki na szlachetność
przykładałem do oczu marmur zieleń Veronese'a
Mozartem nacierałem uszy
doskonaliłem nozdrza wonią starych książek

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