Ben Marcus Quotes

Ben Marcus Quotes

Sorry, I said to myself, wondering how many times in my marriage I'd said that, how many times I'd meant it, how many times Claire had actually believed it, and, most important, how many times the utterance had any impact whatsoever on our dispute. What a lovely chart one could draw of this word Sorry.

Suspense left my life a long time ago, now it has returned. I do not care for it.

It was hard not to realize what kind of kid his parents wished they'd had, and when he thought about that kind of kid it was tempting for Paul to want to track, hunt, and eat the little thing.

Literature is fighting for its very life because compromise is mistook for ambition, and joining up is preferred to standing out …

We shared a daughter? I'd not thought about it that way before. If we shared a daughter, and something happened to Claire, then I would not have to hare Esther with her anymore. I would have Esther to myself.

What treaty is it that finally separates those two territories, the hard resolve of our exteriors and the terrible disaster on our insides?

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