Appearances Quotes

Charles Yu

I don't know how, or whether it is even possible to predict what the world will look like the next day. I simply have to close my eyes, and wait until tomorrow in order to find out.

François De La Rochefoucauld

In all aspects of life, we take on a part and an appearance to seem to be what we wish to be-and thus the world is merely composed of actors.

J.K. Rowling

What do I care how 'e looks? I am good-looking enough for both of us, I theenk! All these scars show is zat my husband is brave!

Will Rogers

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people that they don't like.

Amanda Hocking

Being liked for the way you looked is worse than not being liked at all.

Sherri Rifkin

I don't want a relationship that just looks good on the outside. It's more important that it feels great on the inside.

Jane Austen

But to appear happy when I am so miserable - Oh! who can require it?

Israel Zangwill

The Creator has – I say it in all reverence - drawn a myriad red herrings across the track, but the true scientist refuses to be baffled by superficial appearances in detecting the secrets of Nature. The vulgar herd catches at the gross apparent fact, but the man of insight knows what lies on the surfaces does lie.

Darynda Jones

Nobody wants to look like a fool. Nine times out of ten, that
reason alone keeps people from allowing themselves to believe.

V.S. Naipaul

Ah, sahib. I know you just come to comfort a old man left to live by hisself. Soomintra say I too old-fashion. And Leela, she always by you. Why you don’t sit down, sahib? It ain’t dirty. Is just how it does look.’
Ganesh didn’t sit down. ‘Ramlogan, I come to buy over your taxis.

Jacques Benigne Bossuel

The greatest weakness of all is the great fear of appearing weak.

Chris Campanioni

To own beauty is the first lie of it.

Michael Bassey Johnson

People who say you are ugly, may be true, because to them, you look like a monster. People who say you are beautiful, may also be true, because to them, you look like an angel.

Shaun Hick

I saw you before. All your flaws, your imperfections. Your body’s going to a lot of trouble to hide something, something inside of you. It must be very precious.

Kellie Elmore

Social media has infected the world with a sickening virus called vanity.

Charles Yu

All he ever knew of her was who he saw every day. All I am is who I am every day. All anyone is to anyone is a series of days.

Marty Rubin

There is no deeper reality. The water at the bottom is the same as the water at the top.

Bill Bryson

Even though sugar was very expensive, people consumed it till their teeth turned black, and if their teeth didn't turn black naturally, they blackened them artificially to show how wealthy and marvelously self-indulgent they were.

Tim Winton

She was still glad she looked like Scully. He wasn't pretty either, but pretty people weren't the kind you need. Pretty people saw themselves in the mirror and were either too happy or too sad. People like Billie just shrugged and didn't care. She didn't want to turn into anyone pretty. Anyway, she had scars now, you only had to look.

Margaret Thatcher

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.

Nicole Williams

I knew if there was ever a girl who could love me, warts and all, it would be the girl who went to the pound and adopted the ugliest, meanest piece of crap she could find." My heart swelled, my smile following. "All because she believed that under every rough exterior was a soul begging to be loved and accepted.

Douglas Adams

People who need to bully you are the easiest to push around.

Ben Marcus

What treaty is it that finally separates those two territories, the hard resolve of our exteriors and the terrible disaster on our insides?

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