K. Hari Kumar Quotes

K. Hari Kumar Quotes

Such is the great nature of man, it resides the true face beneath a glittering masquerade.

Imagination is the other end of Reality.

I am no Patriot for I try to breathe in with the steadfast belief that my country is the Earth and my religion is Humanism.

Not just charity, even corruption begins at home.

You will come across people who always affirm by everything you say, but at the hour of need, they simply disappear! Stay away from such people or simply don't fall for their promises.

There shall come a day when Birds shall be free... :) and humans will see...

Destiny is always a doorstep away, if we know to move in the right direction.

I can very well understand your frustration, but you must stick to your dreams. Try Harder!

Dying is not a solution.. I want to live with You..!

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