Kelly Moran Quotes

Kelly Moran Quotes

I think only when you are truly alone can you see you never were.

The truth is I do love you. Admitting that means opening myself up to all that pain when you leave. After you realize this wasn’t love, but gratitude.

I have something I need to get off my chest.”
“What’s that?”
“This.” He closed his mouth over hers.

Maybe pulling her emotions out and inserting in his logic would change this morbid course. But damn if he’d joke about it like she did.

Before she knew it, she was just another set of eyes in a dusty attic, waiting for the stairs to creak.

I only know two things in life for certain: I know I love her and I know when her memory of our time together fades, I’ll still feel exactly the same as I do today. Time is irrelevant, as I once said to her. And I’m happy wasting every second of it on her.

When the leaves stop falling wasn't her time to die, it was your time to live.

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