Malcolm Lowry Quotes

Malcolm Lowry Quotes

Perhaps his tragedy is that he is the only normal writer left on earth - and it is this that adds to his isolation and so too his so sense of guilt.

Can't you see there's a determinism about the fate of nations? They all seem to get what they deserve in the long run.

Now you see what kind of creatures we are, Hugh. Eating things alive. That's what we do. How can you have much respect for mankind, or any belief in the social struggle?

In the war to come correspondents would assume unheard of importance, plunging through flame to feed the public its little gobbets of dehydrated excrement.

What use were his talons and fangs to the dying tiger? In the clutches, say, to make matters worse, of a boa-constrictor? But apparently this improbable tiger had no intention of dying just yet. On the contrary, he intended taking a little walk, taking the boa-constrictor with him, even to pretend, for a while, it wasn't there.

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