Markelle Grabo Quotes

Markelle Grabo Quotes

I hate going through this when we just found...," his voice trailed off.
"Found what?"
"Each other," he finished, half-smiling.

Maybe one did have to be smart in order to kill.

Ah, Zora, you are so naive," the fire fairy said with a hearty chuckle. "You have no idea what happened to them, do you? You have no clue as to what happened to your parents.

Then I wondered, what if?
What if he kissed me? What if he told me I was beautiful? What if he told me he loved me?
What would I say in return?

The last book I picked up had a picture of the Stranger on the front cover. Although his eyes were not nearly as beautiful in my dream state, they still took my breath away. I opened it up curiously and there was one word written in a large, bolded font: FATE.

I didn't want him to think I was giving up - I wasn't. I simply couldn't put myself together just yet.

I'm scared, all right?" I said. I could feel my stomach churn as my gaze rested on the wooden trunk.
Nathan turned my chin, looking at me with an expression of utter sincerity. "You don't have to be. I'm here.

Nothing is more important to me than keeping you safe." - Nathan

I'm sorry I ruined your homecoming."
He kissed me once more and then shook his head. "The only thing that could ruin this is not being with you.

As long as he is around, I don't fit into your life." - Nathan

He smiled at me, and just like that I was completely happy to be who I was. I knew it wouldn't be easy all the time, but right now it was as simple as sunshine because Nathan was here and had helped me to realize that I was still Ramsey, no matter how much things had changed.

You're still the same Ramsey I danced with," he said softly.

My Zora senses are tingling," I said.
Nathan looked at me blankly.
"Right, you don't know anything about Spiderman," I remembered.
"Spider who?" he asked.

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