Aprilynne Pike Quotes

Aprilynne Pike Quotes

Her two worlds, two lives that she tried so hard to keep separate, were crashing together. And she felt helpless to stop it.

Laurel, David? Would you like to share the joke with the rest of the class?" he asked, one hand on his skinny hip.
"No, sir," David said. "But thank you for asking." The students around them laughed, but Mr. james didn't look pleased. Laurel leaned back and grinned. David, one. Teacher who wishes he was as smart as David? Zero

Whether or not there was room in her life for Tamani, Laurel knew that there was precious little room in Tamani's life for anything but Laurel. He lived to protect her, and he'd never failed her. Annoyed her, frustrated her, hurt her, maddened her - but never once failed her.

I'll think of you, just like I promised."
"And I'll think of you, just like I have every day," Tamani said.

His face was tense, his jaw flexed as he stared at her. She could hardly stand to meet his eyes. They were an ocean of betrayal. They probed her, searching for the smallest sign that she didn't mean it. That spark of hope that never seemed to go out.

Time was like that, though - racing forward when she wanted it to slow down, then crawling to a stop when she could least bear it.

I've loved you for a long time, ' she said. 'But there was always something holding me back. Maybe it was that I was afraid of an emotion that was so consuming. It still frightens me,' she admitted in a whisper.
Tamani chuckled. 'If it makes you feel any better, it scares the daylights out of me on a regular basis.

Guess I’ve been reading too much fantasy.

Are you looking for something real in this world of illusions? Call me. Casual Flings need not apply. I am looking for Love.

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