Chelsea Fine Quotes

Chelsea Fine Quotes

How did you kill the Ashman in the forest last year?”
“I shot him with an arrow.”
“What kind of arrow?”
“A sharp one.”
Nate rolled his eyes. “Really, dude? A sharp one?

Are you okay? You seem ...soggy."
"Yes." Heather nodded. "Like you're a depressed spaghetti noodle or something.

Tristan was silent for a few moments, looking at the leaves before them. "Life isn't about the past and the future. It's about today." He paused. "It's about five minutes from now and two seconds ago. It's moments, you know? Not years. Years aren't what define us.

Scarlet watched a leaf fall to the ground, lying dead amoung the other leaves on the forest floor. "A brief life seems pointless."
Tristan thought for a moment. "Isn't that what life is, though? A brief opportunity to exist? A short gift?

Before he knew he was immortal. Before life was no longer fragile. Those were the days when life truly meant something.

When life was hard but worthwile, and love was valuable because your days were numbered.

That was living.

We sit in silence for a minute. Thinking about the freedom we don't have and the future we can't control.

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