Dew Platt Quotes

Dew Platt Quotes

Flow is the best of what happens when potential is activated by consciousness.

For an act to be evil, you must first perceive it, process and then conceive it as such. Then these acts are effects. They’re not causes. And by this I mean that these acts are not of Stream. Now we ask the other question again. What does it take for something, here specifically Stream, to be good or evil?

It is impossible for Stream to achieve unhappiness. Indeed it is. Unless that is, it exists in consciousness. It is impossible for the unordered to achieve happiness or unhappiness unless it were to Flow a certain way in relation with ordered effects.Unhappiness, happiness is a potential activated by the ordered in Flow.

God is thus entrenched in the Flow systems as a causal belief, but an unordered one. Within Flow, this is implemented as unordered in relation with the ordered. The responsibility of first Cause and causes as effects including physiological causes are passed on to God. In fact, to devout Christians, God is all causation incessantly.

The Yorubas have a saying, here, my translation in English-a poor fool is a bigger fool rich. In other words, money only allows and enables you to be more of who you are. My bigger translation? You don't jump essence, you jump environs!

To be communal is to be something fallacious. It is to be something more or less than being, a subjugation or propagation of the self to exist within the external condition.

Flow, I must remind you here is a being-systemic process. Depression is a being-systemic deregulation that affects the neurophysiological.

While the powers of the Primal Cause lie in causation, it shows itself in process through thoughts, perception and conception. It is the power of the Primal Cause to decipher what is perceived from the ordered plane and conceive judgments through thoughts from the unordered.

There is no divinity achieved unless the individual mind submits itself to a mind supposed supreme. The Bible in its simplest form is simply that - a book. When you give it your mind it becomes powerful.

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