Edward Gorey Quotes

Edward Gorey Quotes

I am a person before I am anything else. I never say I am a writer. I never say I am an artist...I am a person who does those things.

I really think I write about everyday life. I don't think I'm quite as odd as
I really think I write about everyday life. I don't think I'm quite as odd as others say I am. Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that's what makes it so boring.

Z is for Zillah who drank too much gin.

This is the theory… that anything that is art… is presumably about some certain thing, but is really always about something else, and it’s no good having one without the other, because if you just have the something it is boring and if you just have the something else it’s irritating.

The Baron told her that only art meant anything.. Edward Gorey
The Baron told her that only art meant anything.

Neither mine nor other people's prospects seem particularly pleasing just at the moment, and I have fantasies of going to Iceland, never to return. As it is, I tell myself not to remember the past, not to hope or fear for the future, and not to think in the present, a comprehensive program that will undoubtedly have very little success.

On November 18 of alternate years Mr Earbrass begins writing 'his new novel'. Weeks ago he
On November 18 of alternate years Mr Earbrass begins writing 'his new novel'. Weeks ago he chose its title at random from a list of them he keeps in a little green note-book. It being tea-time of the 17th, he is alarmed not to have thought of a plot to which The Unstrung Harp might apply.

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