Harlan Coben Quotes

Harlan Coben Quotes

..."better to have loved and lost" bullshit. Don't show me paradise and then burn it down.

A dancer on break approached him. She smiled. Each tooth was angled in a different direction, as if her mouth were the masterwork of a mad orthodontist.
"Hi," she said.
"You're really cute."
"I don't have any money."
She spun and walked away. Ah, romance.

Getting into a fight with a popular senior. Pissing off a school teacher and the local chief of police. Hanging with two major-league losers." She slapped my back. "Welcome to high school.

I blinked and the images were gone. But I remembered how the laugh and the howl and the splash would ripple and echo in the stillness of our lake, and I wondered if ripples and echoes like those ever fully die away, if somewhere in the woods my father's joyful yelps still bounced quietly off the trees. Silly thought, but there you go.

Mrs. Friedman lived in a happy snow globe of AP History.

There are few times that I feel more at peace, more in tune, more Zen, if you will, than when I force myself to unplug.

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