Joey Lawsin Quotes

Joey Lawsin Quotes

The bible when taken metaphorically, provides us the truth about god; but when taken literally, the bible provides as the truth about man.

Judging is the cause that creates the effect of choosing.

In the mind of an ordinary, 1+1 = 2; but, in the mind of an extraordinary, 1+ 1 = 10.

Energy is the universal language of Nature

The universe evolved from something and nothing, and has most of these elemental dualpair until now.

Everything is made up of shapes and spaces.

Every creature is a living instruction that runs the algorithm of nature.

The building blocks of Life are made up of shapes and spaces.

Nothing could Exist without Everything.

Reality is reality when it exists inside and outside the mind.

What we accept as reality is primarily a construction of our imagination.

Beauty begins in the eyes of the beholder; Reality ends in the mind of the observer.

~ "Harmony, and not peace, is the key element that can bring all nations of the world together. In science we cannot prove peace, but we can prove what harmony is!

Harmony, and not peace, is the key element for all countries to unite together. In science we can not prove peace, but we can prove what harmony is!

Although we look at ourselves as One, in the real world we always experience ourselves as TWO.

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