Josh Lanyon Quotes

Josh Lanyon Quotes

The problem with a life spent reading is you know too much.

All cynics are disappointed idealists. The more stars in the eyes, the harder the fall.

I liked you the first time I saw you. You were sitting on the floor surrounded by books, and you looked up when I opened the door and smiled right at me. It felt like you had been waiting for me, like you were welcoming me home.

People loved you in the way they knew how - and often it was not the way you knew. Or needed.

Do you still do the clubs?”

Jake shakes his head. “You do the clubs
because you can’t find what you need at home. I’ve got everything I need. I’ve got the answer to needs I didn’t even know I had.

A pause followed my greeting. Then “We’re watching you ” whispered the voice on the other end.
“Yeah? Did you see what I did with my keys? ”
Silence. Then dial tone.
These younger demons. So easily discouraged.

She didn‟t look like the athletic type to me.”

“Maybe Nemov carried her. He looked like he could.”

“He looked like he could carry his SUV. I don‟t know why he didn‟t.

You know that thing about Death Be Not Proud? Well, Fear Be Not Proud either. And Fear Be Not Elegant. What Fear be is stumbling, bumbling flight, crashing through brush, slip-sliding on pine needles, sloshing through puddles that are always deeper than you expect.

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