L.M. Fields Quotes

L.M. Fields Quotes

I never talk back. I listen and always remember your every word, so come pen or mouse, never forget that I will treasure your thoughts forever. Yours truly, Paper.

My life is my testimony.

It doesn't matter where you've been, only where you are going.

They are strong wives, devoted moms, and beautiful women, trying to find a way to earn and keep their wings because God knows, it's not easy being married to the military.

Truth can't be found in the stars; let the story speak for itself.

Army wives experience hell from the inside out; a wound you'll never see, a scar that never heals.

Never be ashamed of where you've been, only the moment you stop trying.

You can choose to be someone's Angel or choose to be a Troll, either way you will have to deal with the consequences of your actions, good or bad.

I believe in letting the story speak for itself.

One changed heart can be a light for many.

Hold dear and true friends close to your heart, it matters not where you find them, only that you treat them with love and respect always.

Time's up! Tomorrow's here.

Humans are not a commodity, nor is our humanity. Fight to save the lives of those who can not save themselves, and in turn, you will have saved your soul.

Never let the sacrifice of others be for nothing by doing nothing.

Freedom's never been free, there's always been a price to be paid, but people have forgotten; they're handing their freedom, their lives, over like well behaved puppets on a string... slavery is returning by choice.

Plant your flag, respectfully stand for truth, justice, and freedom for all.

I've said it before, history repeats itself for those who don't learn from the past. Can we please learn from all this? Please? Or is everyone waiting for yet another savior to come along and charm them Hollywood style if freedom is still around for America's next election?

Love should always be given, but trust must be earned, and never forget or else be tagged the fool, doomed to repeat history.

Trolls must continually feed their bottomless need, so be strong and patiently wait out their fires of hatred for eventually they eat their own.

I am a creator, writing like the wind, I carry the weight of a future world in the barrel of a pen, etching my characters into the paper with life giving ink so my dreams and reality might finally meet.

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