Mary Jane Hathaway Quotes

Mary Jane Hathaway Quotes

We both know you can’t split a bookstore. (I don’t even share shelf space.)

Not to harp on Jane Austen, but do you know why everyone loves Darcy?"
"Here we go. Austen has the answer for everything." Shelby laughed outright. There were no six degrees of separation for Rebecca: everything related directly back to Jane.

. “Don’t be a stranger. And pray about that petition you filed.”
“Mama,” Paul groaned. That was the Christian way of saying “I know you’re wrong but you won’t take my word for it, so God will have to explain it to you.

She closed her eyes, not really hearing the rest of what he murmured against her ear. All she knew was that it echoed everything that was in her heart. He was a surprise. Love was a surprise. And a surprise love between friends was the best kind of all.

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