Peter James West Quotes

Peter James West Quotes

Sometimes the body gets out of bed an hour before the brain.

When you're young, you need to be careful not to bite off more than you can chew.

When you're old, you need to be careful not to bite off more than you can suck.

Today I tried to pick up something I was standing on. It didn't work out well.

Walk tall but don't bang your head on low hanging branches.

Follow your dreams but stop if you come to a cliff edge.

I don't mind snorkeling. I just wish the sharks would get out of the ocean and go sit on the sun loungers while I do it.

Never try to swim through a sharp rock.
Go around! Go around!

Of all the things I expected to find in my lunch, a live snake wasn't one of them.

From the dark forest that bordered the soft ploughed fields, came a low cry that did not belong to any animal. It was accompanied by the sound of branches bending and snapping, and the splintering of wood as trees were crushed or toppled onto their sides.

Rachel Henson stood facing him, immaculate in her uniform and ready for duty as always. She looked as though she had spent her whole life preparing for this very moment - she always did.

Playing an instrument is its own reward.
Cleaning out a spit valve is its own punishment.

Surviving ain't thriving.

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