Sachin Kundalkar Quotes

Sachin Kundalkar Quotes

I have only met men like you in novels, men who lived their own idiosyncrasies.

When they left, I saw four or five black-and-white photographs I had taken of you, peeping from the file. They'd faded a little over time and were stuck to each other. Delicately, i separated them.

I sometimes go and sit there. it is my museum of broken things.

I'd be staring at you and thinking, I should ask, I should ask, I should ask; do you want to be in a stable monogamous relationship for the rest of your life?

At the meeting you behaves exactly as Marathi novelists of the last century tell is husbands do in sari shops.

Those who choose differently must suffer the consequences. They must take the pain their decisions bring.

I felt the kind of peace you feel when you come in from a hot afternoon and pour cold water over your feet.

Spoil all the walls with sellotape marks.

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