Steven Aitchison Quotes


Type: Blogger, author

Born: 0


Steven Aitchison is an online entrepreneur teaching others how to change their thoughts to become more positive and therefore change their energy to get what they want in life. He is author of "100 Ways to develop Your Mind"

Steven Aitchison Quotes

Honesty has a power that very few people can handle

Depression is not an absence of happiness, it’s a feeling that happiness may never return.

Think about it for a second:
Babies are not born prejudice, they are not racist,they don’t hate, they don’t judge, and are not born believing in christianity, buddhism, sikhism, hinduism, judaism or any other ism.
We, as adults, teach them all these things.

It’s better to stand alone and feel strong
than standing with people who make you feel weak

If you have a goal in life and it doesn’t scare you a little, then it’s not a big enough goal

To be beautiful, you have to see beauty

A true joy in life should be knowing that you have touched the heart of another human being

Some of us don’t trust others unless there’s a reason to trust them.
I prefer to trust others until they give me a reason not to.

Prejudice is a belief born from a shortcut to thinking

Life is just a very slow death, so why not make the most of it while you can.

It’s better to be disliked for who you are than liked for who you are not.

Never justify yourself to people who don’t matter

Walk in the direction where your peace is found

Prejudice is a belief soaked in stupidity

Letting go of your desires will allow them to come to you much quicker

Never engage in gossip, it kills your soul, and wounds another’s heart

A free lunch doesn’t taste as good as a well earned dinner

A decision clouded with doubt is never a good decision

7 Principles of a Happy Marriage

Always listen
Be there
Compromise is necessary
Build up trust
A kiss before sleep, a kiss after waking
Never keep score
Do things together

All of us were once children, but only some of us remember that

Important decisions are better made after a good nights sleep

Your true friends are protectors of your heart

When you jump into the unknown, you will find that a net usually appears to catch you.

The only thing that stops the fear of doing something is DOING WHAT YOU FEAR

How can I find a way to overcome this?’ is a much better question than ‘Why is my life so bad?’

It’s the questions we ask ourselves that will determine how we live our life.

It’s not the quality of the answers that changes our lives, it’s the quality of the question

The emotional scars of our mistakes will teach us far more than the joy of our successes

Those who really know and care about you can hear you even when you haven’t spoken a word

In the most beautiful relationships, silence is never awkward, for it’s
in the silence that we come closer together.

Your self worth is not found in the opinions of others

Every single one of us has the potential to change someone’s life by just taking the time to listen to them

The people who really make you angry, control you!

If you take more than you give
you get less of what you can take

A caterpillar must endure a season of isolation before it turns into a butterfly. Embrace the time you have alone, it will only make you stronger.

The true gift of our mistakes is the knowledge we gain from them

The lowest points in our life teaches us to reach our higher self,
the higher self teaches us not to forget the lowest points.

I’ve always been a bit weird, ever since I was a child. I didn’t really fit in anywhere. Then I realised it’s okay to be a bit weird, in fact it’s positively brilliant

It takes a strong person to do their own thing and not wait for anybody else to validate their existence.

The love you do have in your life should not be overshadowed by the love you don’t

The past is a gift that should not be unwrapped in the present.

Something remarkable happens when you truly stop seeking other peoples approval, you automatically gain it, and find that others will then seek your approval.

Closed mindedness is a burden that threatens your future

You amount of love you receive is directly proportional to how much you love yourself.

Your thoughts are building your future reality; the question is what are you thinking today?

If you always play the victim you’ll always be the victim.

Dreams are not realised in the shadows of self doubt.

Society tells us when we are old and no longer useful - screw that!
It’s your mind and attitude that will tell you when you are old.

Telling lies and being deceitful takes so much more energy than being honest and sincere.

True friends are those rare people who come to find you in dark places and lead you back to the light.

There is a magical quality that resides in all of us, it changes our energy,
and changes others perceptions of us. It’s called:

We all have our own personal roads to travel,
it’s only when we follow someone else’s road
that we deviate from our own journey.
Be Strong and Travel Your Own Road

I learned late on in life that it was the beliefs about myself that dictated how I felt, how I thought and what actions I took, and to change my life for the better I just needed to change my beliefs.

When you make the decision to be amazing, you will find that you are either admired, envied or hated.

Your life can only change by the amount of responsibility you take for it.

The right things,
the right people,
the right book,
the right Facebook page
will always come to you when you are truly ready,
until then, just relax and let it happen.

The most courageous thing you will ever do is trust someone enough to let them love you, especially when you vowed never to love again….

People change for two main reasons:
either their minds have been opened or
their hearts have been broken

If you are ever asked why you are single, tell them:
It's because you haven't found someone amazing
enough to change your status

Sometimes it's better to go against the crowd and feel alone,
than to agree and have a false sense of belonging

You shouldn't live your life according to someone else's expectations

Most people know the physical senses, but a lot of people don’t know the soul’s senses: empathy, trust, intuition, love and harmony

You are a beautiful soul wrapped up in a human body. It’s your job to unwrap, and find your soul again.

Everybody you have ever met in your life was brought to you for a reason.

The love we deserve is not necessarily the love we accept...

If I could give you one special ability in life it would be the gift of seeing yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you - Then you would realise just how amazing you truly are.

Your outer beauty will capture the eyes, your inner beauty will capture the heart.

It's not the successes in life that teach us a lesson, it's the mistakes we made to get there that truly teach us.

Friendship and love don't come to those who are desperate for it,
it comes to those who respect themselves enough not to need it.

Don't complain about ANYTHING, unless you're prepared to do something about it

Your permission is needed for you to feel inferior to anyone,
don't ever give your permission

Love is the currency of your heart, spend it on people who enrich your life instead of people who constantly hurt you

Fear is your brains way of protecting you,
overcoming fear is the souls way of loving you

If you think you have the answers to everything, you've not been asked the right questions

You can't reach for the stars when you're tied to yesterdays regrets

If you're feeling a little down, remember some of the best days in your life haven't happened yet.

All the knowledge we have today was once considered a theory. Don’t stop looking for the answers to life, you might just be the one who changes the world

Sometimes we are so afraid of change that we miss amazing opportunities that the universe has sent us….

Confidence is nothing more than believing in yourself, and believing in yourself is about doing the things you once didn’t believe you could do

When you become friends with solitude, you will never feel alone again

Seven things money can't buy:

A happy family
True Love
Inner peace

The pain of reaching your goal will only last a short while
The pain of not trying, will last a lifetime

Sometimes we just need to stop whining and get on with life. Consider this a kick up the arse…

The only thing that stands in the way of an amazing life are the excuses you tell yourself as to why you can’t achieve it

Positive thinking does not work without taking positive action.

The two most important questions in the world are:
How can I be the best version of myself &
How can I help others be their best version

Your past failures will lead to your future success

The way you do the small things, is the way you do the big things

The world is not a shitty place, it’s your perception of the world that is shitty

If you have the courage to be honest with everyone, including yourself, you may hurt a few people's feelings, but they will forever value your opinion more than your half truths.

When you surround yourself with positive people who are making a difference in the world, you start to believe anything is possible.

The heart is sometimes tainted with the songs of yesterday. Sing a new song today.

Why waste a brand new day with your thoughts of yesterday

The heart should never be completely locked, or you may regret the opportunities you had to let amazing people into your life

The doors to your dreams are not always visible, and the only way to see them is to create them.

Sometimes people may anger you, but realise that they are stealing your energy. Someone can only steal your energy if YOU allow them to.

To live life on your own terms, you've got to understand that you're going to get it wrong sometimes, but you'll have power of knowing that you are giving it everything you've got and blazing your own trail.

If in life you choose something that is your second choice, whether it be clothes, a relationship, or a career, then don't choose it. Wait until you can have your first choice. Never settle for second best.

Live a life of love, of passion of desire, of free will. Take a chance, take the leap, and jump head first into the abyss. Start a flame in your bonfire
heart, and show the world your passion.

Lets not use obstacles as excuses for not achieving our dreams, use them as signs that the dream is worth it.

Every friend we have represents a new world, a world that may not have existed had they not come into our life.

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