Charles Stross Quotes

Charles Stross Quotes

Unfortunately it's also true to say that good management is a bit like oxygen - it's invisible and you don't notice its presence until it's gone, and then you're sorry.

Any civilization where the main symbol of religious veneration is a tool of execution is a bad place to have children.

Like the famous mad philosopher said, when you stare into the void, the void stares also; but if you cast into the void, you get a type conversion error. (Which just goes to show Nietzsche wasn't a C++ programmer.)

Idiots emit bogons, causing machinery to malfunction in their presence. System administrators absorb bogons, letting machinery work again.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a sane employee in possession of his wits must be in want of a good manager.

The encapsulated bird your conspirators sent you to fetch. The sterilized male chicken with the Creator DNA sequences. The plot capon. Where is it?

Bob loses saving throw vs. shiny with a penalty of -5. Bob takes 2d8 damage to the credit card.

This has serveral consequences, starting with screwing over most cryptography algorithms-translation: all your bank account are belong to us-

Time is a corrosive fluid, dissolving motivation, destroying novelty, and leaching the joy from life.

Politics is shit; it corrupts everything it touches...

Europe has achieved peaceful political union for the first time ever: They're using this unprecedented state of affairs to harmonize the curvature of bananas.

We are medium-sized mammals who only prosper because we've developed a half-arsed ability to terraform the less suitable bits of the planet we evolved on, and we're conscious of our inevitable decay and death, and we can't live anywhere else. There is no invisible sky daddy to give us immortal life and a harp and wings when we die.

A mother’s love - "
"Fuck love," Amber snarls, "she wants power.

[Core concepts: Human beings all have souls. Souls are software objects. Software is not immortal.]

All men are islands, surrounded by the bottomless oceans of unthinking night.

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