Spiritualism Quotes

Allan Rufus

Life is like a game of chess.
To win you have to make a move.
Knowing which move to make comes with IN-SIGHT
and knowledge, and by learning the lessons that are
acculated along the way.

We become each and every piece within the game called life!

Frank Warren

There are two kinds of secrets. The ones we keep from others and the ones we keep from ourselves.

Megan Chance

The only truth was whatever you could make someone believe.

Cok Sawitri

Apakah seorang pencari keheningan adalah si mulia? ataukah si pengecut yang tidak berani menghadapi masalah dunia?

Garth Stein

However, I don’t understand why people insist on pitting the concepts of evolution and creation against each other. Why can’t they see that spiritualism and science are one? That bodies evolve and souls evolve and the universe is a fluid place that marries them both in a wonderful package called a human being. What’s wrong with that idea?

Megan Chance

The material world is simply an expression of the mind; that's what so many fail to see. We're so dependent on what is before us that we discount our intuition. Yet if one dismisses instinct, how can one understand or believe in a world that exists beyond one's sight?

Megan Chance

Trying to justify a world we don't hold all the answers to is what bedevils the best of us. Sometimes it's better just to accept that things are as we see them.

Megan Chance

Logic only tells us what's there; it can't really address what isn't. Even the most devoted empiricist must admit that we have no hope of understanding the universe. Some things are unknowable.

Megan Chance

It seems all spirits need theatrics, eh? Even Christ himself requires incense and holy water. We're a skeptical people. We need convincing.

Junaid E Mustafa

Sufi’s soul seeking serenity succeeds at the cost of the body which gets spifflicated by the spines of the social world.

Junaid E Mustafa

Mystics are no humans but a species different; they are always young and never do they die.

Allan Rufus

I wish you all
an ego free
driven day!

Allan Rufus

Hard work does not go unnoticed,
and someday the rewards will follow

Allan Rufus

Note and Quote to Self – What you think, say and do!

Your life mainly consists of 3 things!

What you think,

What you say and

What you do!

So always be very conscious of what you are co-creating!

Allan Rufus

Unless we take that first step into the unknown, we will never know our own potential!

Allan Rufus


My words, thoughts and deeds have

a boomerang effect.

So be-careful what you send out!

Allan Rufus

Quotes and notes to self – Find your inner peace!


be caught up in your outer world.


greater attention to your inner world

Allan Rufus

Note to Self – Thoughts design my energy!




design the energy

that moves


Allan Rufus

Quotes and notes to self- Divine and Unique Power

Find out what my Individual Divine

and Unique Power


and offer it outwards

in harmony

with all life!

John Hodgman

Houdini, the magician who debunked magic, could not bear to see the great rationalist [Arthur Conan] Doyle enchanted by ghosts and frauds. And so he did what any friend would: He set out to prove spiritualism false and rob his friend Doyle of the only comforting fiction that was keeping him sane. It was the least he could do.

Amanda Hudson

All people who come to the dark come for power.

Allan Rufus

Enlightenment is the Goal - Love is the Game - Taking steps are the rules! - Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus

Life is like a sandwich!

Birth as one slice,
and death as the other.
What you put in-between
the slices is up to you.

Is your sandwich tasty or sour?
Allan Rufus.org

Subhan Zein

If you cannot be a sun that illuminates the light, be a moon that never tires of reflecting the light.

Susan Sontag

A large part of the popularity and persuasiveness of psychology comes from its being a sublimated spiritualism: a secular, ostensibly scientific way of affirming the primacy of spirit over matter.

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