Gina Damico Quotes

Gina Damico Quotes

Momentarily forgetting how wind works, Lex tried spitting at him. This failed

Let me go!" She tore off a mirror and brandished it in his face. "I mean it! I don't want to go to your godforsaken hellbarn, you retarded psycho farmer!

Hey, I’ll have you know that with recent 3D imaging, Ichthyosaurus communis is more alive than ever!”
“Talk like the Discovery Channel all you want, but a book of fossils and a tub of plaster does not an orgy make.

We open five minutes ago,” she scolded as he rushed in.
“I know, I know.” He pulled his blue vest out from under the counter and put it on, praying that she wouldn’t notice the glitter shower that ensued. “I’m sorry.”
“Five minutes ago. And where is my cashier? Watching goats mate on the computer?

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