José Saramago Quotes

José Saramago Quotes

Perhaps it is the language that chooses the writers it needs, making use of them so that each might express a tiny part of what it is.

Words have their own hierarchy, their own protocol, their own artistic titles, their own plebeian stigmas.

Life is like that, full of words that are not worth saying or that were worth saying once but not any more, each word that we utter will take up the space of another more deserving word, not deserving in its own right, but because of the possible consequences of saying it.

A man must earn his daily bread by some means some-where, and if his bread fails to nourish his soul, at least his body will be nourished while his soul suffers.

Men are all the same, they think that because they came out of the belly of a woman they know all there is to know about women.

... we are only ever pretending to ourselves, never to other people ...

Because each of you has his or her own death, you carry it with you in a secret place from the moment you're born, it belongs to you and you belong to it.

The church has never been asked to explain anything, our speciality, along with ballistics, has always been the neutralisation of the overly curious mind through faith.

Authoritarian, paralyzing, circular, occasionally elliptical stock phrases, also jocularly referred to as nuggets of wisdom, are a malignant plague, one of the very worst ever to ravage the earth.

Whether we like it or not, the one justification for the existence of all religions is death, they need death as much as we need bread to eat.

a man was on his way to the gallows when he met another, who asked him: where are you going, my friend? and the condemned man replied: i'm not going anywhere. they're taking me by force.

En su habitación del hotel la muerte, desnuda, está delante del espejo. No sabe quién es.

Even death, faced with the option of death or life, she would choose life.

God will save you.
Surely you're forgetting that God saves souls rather than bodies.

À igreja nunca se lhe pediu que explicasse fosse o que fosse, a nossa outra especialidade, além da balística, tem sido neutralizar, pela fé, o espírito curioso.

Assim é, mas a vantagem da igreja é que, embora às vezes o não pareça, ao gerir o que está no alto, governa o que está em baixo.

blindness is a private matter between a person and the eyes with which he or she was born.

... the best way of killing a rose is to force it open when it is still only the promise of a bud.

Sólo un sentido común con imaginación de poeta podría haber sido el inventor de la rueda.

Reading is probably another way of being in a place.

You never know beforehand what people are capable of, you have to wait, give it time, it's time that rules, time is our gambling partner on the other side of the table and it holds all the cards of the deck in its hand, we have to guess the winning cards of life, our lives.

The worst pain ... isn't the pain you feel at the time, it's the pain you feel later on when there's nothing you can do about it, They say that time heals all wounds, But we never live long enough to test that theory ...

... time is a master of ceremonies who always ends up putting us in our rightful place, we advance, stop, and retreat according to his orders, our mistake lies in imagining that we can catch him out.

The instant is gone, time has carried us into the realm of memory, it was like this, no, it was not, and everything becomes what we choose to invent.

Demos tiempo al tiempo, pero lo que siempre nos olvidamos de preguntar es si quedará tiempo para dar.

كم مرة تأتي المخاوف لتضيف المرارة لحياتنا وفي النهاية نكتشف أن لا أساس لها ولا سبب لوجود%D

...we confidently say that it's not worth trying to reach any conclusions merely because we decide to stop halfway along the path that would lead us straight to them.

Ainda que esse instante de gozo supremo pudesse durar-vos a vida inteira, nunca os dois que sois poderíeis chegar a ser um só.

No olvides que lo que llamamos hoy realidad fue imaginación.

You have no idea what it is like to watch two blind people fighting. Fighting has always been, more or less, a form of blindness.

...sometimes I do actually forget that the person to whom I owe that love is a real person, complete in himself, not someone who should make do with some rather diffuse emotion which gradually resigns itself to its own fatal vagueness, as if that were a fate against which there were no possible appeal...

The trouble with this dog is that it has grown too close to human beings, it will suffer as they do.

la culpa era de su ceguera de progenitor, la misma, (...) que nos impide ver que nuestros hijos, al fin y al cabo, son tan buenos o tan malos como los demás

These earthenware bowls are fragile and easily broken, they are only made of a little clay on which fortune has precariously bestowed a shape, and the same could be said of mankind.

شكراً لتجربة الحياة القاسية، المعلم الأساسي لكل الانضباطات

Quien planta un árbol tampoco sabe si acabará ahorcándose en él

أننا غير مضطرين لإخبار الناس عن مصائبنا

Inside us there is something that has no name, that something is what we are.

… la muerte, por sí misma, sola, sin ninguna ayuda exterior, siempre ha matado mucho menos que el hombre.

Χωρίς μέλλον το παρόν δεν έχει καμία αξία, είναι σαν να μην υπάρχει".

Somos o que pensamos, e dizemos aquilo que pensamos com palavras. Se as palavras são tão mal usadas, deturpadas, mal pronunciadas muitas vezes, que pensamento podem expressar? Isso é frustrante.

Sözcüklere ne kadar dikkat edilse azdır, onlar da insanlar gibi bir fikirden diğerine geçiverirler.

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