Ron Rash Quotes

Ron Rash Quotes

She realized that being starved for words was the same as being starved for food, because both left a hollow place inside you, a place you needed filled to make it through another day. Rachel remembered how growing up she’d thought living on a farm with just a father was as lonely as you could be. (130)

But nothing is solid and permanent. Our lives are raised on the shakiest foundations. You don't need to read history books to know that. You only have to know the history of your own life.

It’s ever been the way of the man of science or philosophy. Most folks stay in the dark and then complain they can’t see nothing.” – Snipes (185)

We had some good times at school. I didn't know how good those times was till I left, but I guess that's the way of it

A place where something so terrible had happened shouldn't continue to exist in the world

You Men notice so little Pemberton, Physical strength is your genders sole advantage" - Serena

She walks in beauty.

A kind of annihilation, was what Serena called their coupling, and though Pemberton would never have thought to describe it that way, he knew her words had named the thing exactly.

Maybe calling it being hitched ain’t the prettiest way to say you’re married, but it’s the truth to my mind and true in a good way, because you’re working together and depending on each other, and you’re sharing the load.

Not for the first time, it occurred to me that sorrow could be purified into song the same way a piece of coal is purified into a diamond.

One thing's sure and nothing surer. The rich get richer and the poor get- children

Nothing is but what is now

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