Katie MacAlister Quotes

Katie MacAlister Quotes

Hey!” I said, indignation filling me. “I’m immortal! Doesn’t that mean I won’t get saggy boobs and gray hair? Because if it doesn’t mean that, I want a refund -

... you've experienced the single scene out there - it's blood test and background checks and references and 'Please pee in this cup before we can go on a date' screenings, all clinical and stripped bare of any romance.

Do you want me to ride you like a rented mule, or do you prefer to be Mr. Missionary Position? I'm fine with wither, so it doesn't matter to me.

Roxy, stop being so obnoxious!" -Joy
"I'm never obnoxious; I'm just concerned." -Roxy

Yes, he is a man, so genetically he's engineered to be dense about many things, but he's not stupid.

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