Osunsakin Adewale Quotes

Osunsakin Adewale Quotes

A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. So, keep love in your heart if not your best friend today will turn to your worst enemy tomorrow.

No matter how good a person may be at doing things , if he or she fails to keep pace with the modern trend he or she may become irrevelant

Health is wealth but being wealthy does not mean one is healthy.

Health is wealth but wealth is not health

Behind great discovery three values are the rudiments; inspiration , motivation and determination. To be a succesful general , you must be inspired, motivated and determined .

The sun is not shining forever there are dark moment too . Your commitment , communication and consideration can bring back the light in the stormy days too.

The best gift that you can give to your favourite person is to lead him or her to God.

Faith is not something we have to prove but something we have to share and explain to others.

Minority of people are destined for success while majority succeed because they are determined for success. Where upon, work hard in silence and let success make the noise .

There is no success without sweat .

A school bell that sounds annoying at 8:00am sounds exciting at 4:00pm ....it is a matter of time , you will get there.

Time is the greatest enemy of fulfilment .

Yesterday gone, today is going gradual while tomorrow is coming.Never procrastinate doing anything good that can lauch you into greatness.

The greatest prison where most people live is the fear of what other people think and say

Marital sex is a divine sympony between two people , and God is leading the orchestra .

Books are the mirror of the soul ; the more you read the more you appear.

Our nation today needs men and women who are bold enough to play on the field and passionate to change the status quo !

Success can't come to you since it can't walk , you are the architect of your destiny

You need something to create anything ; you need someone to get somewhere .

What man's labour cannot do in ten years, GOD's favour can settle it in ten seconds.

Life is not always fun but in the scheme of things , it becomes more reliable , admirable , dependable and fashionable as one progresses daily

God can turn your resistance to assistance when you keep on going on the right track of God.

Premature satisfaction with half-success is a dream-killer of ambition , nobody should indulge in it.

Moving forward from where you are to where you want and you are actually there is a little success that needs to be celebrated.

Life has ups and downs, provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want.Keep moving towards your goal.Great days ahead.

The greatest anti-success in life is the fear to take a step.

You are not irrevelant. You are not worthless. Your present situation is not your permanent destination.

Your current condition is not your destiny. It is a temporary situation that we all have to pass through in our journey of life. Everybody has a story to tell.

You cannot be chosen as a winner without contest. Winners have many families but nobody wants to associate with a loser. I will prepare myself and one day my chance will come.

Do not allow your background to draw you to the ground. Imagine the bigger picture, for you will get there.

Don't wait for success but create success.

Temptation is not limitation ; when you fail does not mean you cannot win , press forward and keep faith, for one day your chance will come .

An expert was once a beginner. Success does not lie in the results but in efforts. Being the best is not that all important. Doing it right is all what matters.

Failure is a chastening to do it more better , think more intelligently and restart the whole course from the nadir .

Real peace is not only the absence of war but the presence of God .

When you are struggling to make both ends meet no one especially your close ones sees you but when everything is okay and beautiful then you will start seeing their faces. That is people and life .

Love is a perfect admiration despites all wrongs it is still right.

True friends are like stars that constantly shines ; they do these during the dark hours .

A true friend is a person who knows the darkest part of your life and still loves you.

Jesus Christ is better than a best friend

If you do not have enemies on your way to the top, you are already a celebrated failure.

Motivation is the greatest gift to stimulate the feable minded.

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