Ladies Quotes

Pamela Cummins

Ladies, part of loving your mate is accepting him exactly as he is!

Stephanie Hemphill

Learning to be a lady / is like learning / to live within a shell, / to be a crustacean encased / in a small white / uncomfortable world.

Michael Bassey Johnson

The choices that women make sometimes seems provoking and at the same time amusing. I once met a lady who said she liked my amusing facial expression.

Ann Barrett Batson

Always refer to those of the female gender as ladies.
The descriptive woman is usually reserved in Dixie for females of questionable respect.

Michael Bassey Johnson

The paradise in women is not the v-shape manipulation between their legs,
or the two lovely bombs, set on their bosom that can blast any strong, holy spirit filled individual, but that part of her that cannot be described, yet can only be felt.

Michael Bassey Johnson

The game never changes, you must be in the secret before you are shown to the public.

Michael Bassey Johnson

I don't see anything other than pretensions and low mentality in women who make a man run after a hole that would soon be inhabited by termites and worms.

Michael Bassey Johnson

A true woman of virtue is one who will socialize with every man on earth, and doesn't share her body with any of them.

Michael Bassey Johnson

When you paint your lips, eye lids, nails or whatever, to look attractive, don't forget your up stairs(intellect) if you leave it behind, i will consider all other colors invalid.

Michael Bassey Johnson

Ladies and gentlemen, when you paint your lips, eyes, nails, hair, side-beards, or whatever, to look beautiful or handsome, don't forget your up stairs, if you don't go up there to put things in order, then, consider the former attributes null and void.

Michael Bassey Johnson

The only benefit a woman can have in talking too much is defeating a man who troubles her too much.

Michael Bassey Johnson

A virtuos woman is not moved by big names and flamboyance, but only men of profound wisdom and integrity move her.

Sarah MacLean

She steeled her spine. “Like Boleyn to the chopping block.”

Anna smirked. “Queen of England, are we?”

Mara shrugged. “Something to aspire to.

William Shakespeare

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever,-
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never.

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