Gary Hopkins Quotes

Gary Hopkins Quotes

You are the most influential person in your life. You can embrace your strengths or give away your power. The choice is yours.

People often associate complexity with deeper meaning, when often after precious time has been lost, it is realized that simplicity is the key to everything.

I have met many Masters and most have an abundance of flaws and social failings. However, the one thing that separates them from the rest of us is their fearless ability to walk their own path regardless of the opinions of others.

Do you wish to take control of your life? Begin by focusing on steering the storm, rather than where the lightening strikes.

Despite your best efforts, not everyone wants to be helped. Make a difference where you can and be at peace with the rest.

Never put yourself in a position to be made an example of.

Making the attempt is what matters most.

Historically speaking, just about everything we know to be ‘absolute’ will eventually change due to ‘new findings’.

You never see the entire script of political theater until long after the last scene has been acted out.

In a world of full of manipulation, half-truths and lies, the conspiracy theory is often a safer bet than the official story.

There are many professions that require individuals, on an ongoing basis, to pass drug tests, physicals and psychological evaluations in order to keep their jobs. Maybe it’s time to start holding the people that are supposed to be making decisions on our behalf to the same standards.

The practice of Detachment encourages the positive aspects of your life to become dominant, while providing a clear path for the negative aspects to recede.

An apology can be a wonderful thing so long as it is infrequent and from the heart. However, beware of the person who justifies bad behavior with apologies. For them it is a means to an end, and quite often at your expense.

You can think of your body in two ways: 1. As mechanical, like an automobile worth only so many miles or 2. As a living breathing energetic vessel manifested from spirit. Either way will greatly effect the length and quality of your life. Choose wisely.

Do not allow consumerism to dictate your spiritual practice. You need nothing more than your focused attention to gain enlightenment.

Angry obsessive thoughts about another weaken your state of mind and well being. If you must have revenge, then take it by choosing to be happy and let them go forever.

You are a victim only when you have decided to play the part.

Unrealistic expectations often lead to disappointment, while simple unbiased attention and detachment to outcome often lead to pleasant surprises.

Never allow your ego to diminish your ability to listen.

Just like in the eye of the storm there is always comfort within the chaos. Becoming aware of this however, is your responsibility.

The very way that you think is a crucial component to your overall health and well being. Living towards the negative will only foster conflict and a sense of lack, while living towards the positive will create more opportunity for you to experience harmony and abundance.

Science has proven that subatomic particles can exist in two places at once. Since we are all made up of these particles, then this simple fact should drastically re-define every limitation that you think you have.

Meditation is an excellent habit and tool for transformation, however your ‘practice’ should eventually evolve into your natural primary state of being.

People that criticize the harshest usually are the ones who would trade places the fastest

When you have experienced the depth of your inner self, the idea of enlightenment is no longer a goal to strive towards, but rather an attitude to maintain.

Walking away from bad situations and negative people sets a healthier tone for the rest of your life. It also gives those who do not know any better the opportunity to self-correct.

If the existence of Nuclear weapons has taught us anything it would simply be that just because we possess powerful technologies, it does not necessarily mean that we should use them. Unfortunately, we are currently on course to learn similarly grave lessons from other devastating technologies such Genetically Modified Foods, Chemtrails and HAARP.

When you are always ready for the worst, then the worst is likely to show up

Your only limitations are those that you impose upon yourself

Questions are only offensive to those who have something to hide

The greatest asset to the human experience is the ability to navigate one’s emotions. By practicing the skill of detachment, one can successfully step back from the potentially destructive and tune into the purely positive

When a bully is held accountable for his actions, his future actions will change. Bad behavior only continues for those who allow it.

Unfortunately, fact checking has become a lost art

Never allow dogmatic interpretations of Karma to keep you from defending what is right or just. You must accept the reality that on occasion, you may very well be the proper instrument of this cosmic force.

We must empower our weak to be strong, and teach our strong to be compassionate. This will open a door to oneness.

Sometimes you just gotta wear the tinfoil hat.

Maintaining one’s health in today’s toxic rich environment requires proper rest, hydration, an abundant intake of nutrients, and regular internal cleansing practices

Do not limit your Sacred Space to the literal, such as a small room or office. Allow this energy to flow from deep within, so that every where you go, no matter what the circumstance, you will always be immersed in the divine

I may be Anti-Big Government, but only because I am Pro-Human.

Your limitations are largely programming instilled by others that you choose to believe.

Rich or poor, money rules with an iron fist.

There is no one more capable of helping you than yourself.

Self-Empowerment is free to anyone who chooses to use it. It comes from within and nowhere else. You cannot buy it, borrow it, steal it or sell it. It is always available to you and never wears out. The only choice you have to make is whether or not you will use it.

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