Ally Carter Quotes

Ally Carter Quotes

It is an occupational hazard that anyone who has spent her life learning how to lie eventually becomes bad at telling the truth.

...maybe it's only fitting that relationship that started with a lie would end with one.

I think it's kinda nice.' And I did. my mom isn't famous for her pies. No, she's famous for defusing a nuclear device in Brussels with only a pair of cuticle scissors and a ponytail holder. Somehow, at the moment, pies seemed cooler.

Ooh..I want one" - Bex
They're not puppies." -Cammie

You don't need a search warrant to go through someone's trash. Seriously. Once it hits the curb it is totally fair game-you an look it up.

You look disappointed to see me, Zach," Macey teased. "Don't you like my jacket?

'Tell Suzie she's a lucky cat.' Have sexier words ever been spoken?

Unusual financial activity: none, unless you count the fact that someone in the family is way too into Civil War biographies. (Can this be a possible indication of Confederate insurgents still living and working in Virginia? Must research further.)

She'd absolutely adored the library_an entire building where anyone could take things they didn't own and feel no remorse about it.

...nothing ever happens quickly (except when it does). Nothing is ever, ever easy (except when it is). And, most of all, nothing ever goes perfectly according to plan (except in the movies).

I mean she's Cleopatra... shouldn't she and Antony have known better? They were so different..."
"Variety is the spice of life"
"And from a thousand miles apart"
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Not knowing you can't do something, is sometimes all it takes to do it.

The whole summer lay ahead of us-time to rest, time to wait. And when the future comes-no matter what comes with it-I'll be smarter. I'll be stronger. I'll be ready.

You shouldn't judge someone until you've walk a mile through an underground tunnel in her uncomfortable shoes

And then, despite everything, I smiled and looked at the note and knew that spring would come - it always does. so I stared out that cold window, watching my breath collect on the glass, trying not to think about my life after the thaw.

Somebody knows.

Every decent con man knows that the simplest truth is more powerful than even the most elaborate lie.

Because even though the truth can set you free, that doesn't mean it won't be painful.

I know too well how dangerous hope can be, how it grows and sometimes dies, taking its host with it. It's more powerful than anything Dr.Fibs keeps in his labs, more precious than all the secrets inside Sublevel Two.

I tell you, I'm half tempted to break into CIA custody just so I can break Joe Solomon out of CIA custody just so I can break Joe Solomon.

And so that means..."
"We have to rob the Henley," Simon said.
Kat sank onto a truly uncomfortable sofa. "Again.

There are 6 reasons that a person does anything: Love, faith, greed, boredom, fear... revenge.

There are six reasons anyone does anything: Love. Faith. Greed. Boredom. Fear..." he said, ticking them off on his fingers; but he lingered on the last, drawing a deep breath before he said, "Revenge.

the only way Bex would miss this would be if she were unconscious. And tied up. And in a concrete bunker. In Siberia.

You really saw some?" Liz said an hour later. Sure, we had the stereo blaring and the shower running, but Liz still whispered, "They really...exist?"
"Liz," I whispered back, "they're not unicorns."
"No," Bex said flatly, "they're boys. And they're...good.

Time, Ms. McHenry," Townsend said. "It can be a cruel, cruel thing

Time. I would have gone somewhere to buy time.

I thought the morning would bring change. But I should have known that it doesn't take that long for change to happen - it takes a second. A moment. In a single breath, reality as you know it can simply fall away.

Fear is a weakness. It makes a person lose her nerve and her cool. It makes people jumpy and organizations nervous, and when that happens, there is always a chance to take advantage.

you know what pain is, Cammie? It’s the
body’s physical response to imminent harm.
It is the mind’s way of telling us to move our
hand off the stove or let go of the broken

It was the first time in years I didn’t wonder if my father was out there, looking at it too.

I'll be here when you get back.

And, of course, there are the perfect day, perfect moment, perfect life dreams that come sometimes and make a person hit the snooze button for hours, trying to go back to sleep and make the perfect moments last.

You can’t really yell at your boyfriend for stealing your seat and your best friend. You also can’t yell at your best friend for stealing your boyfriend. Or you can…but Hi seemed like a much easier way to start the morning.

Waiting. Like it or not, it's a skill all spies have to master eventually.

You wanted to be treated like grown-ups? Well, that includes both the good and the bad.

But I wasn't the girl I'd been when I left, and I knew it.

I have to smile. He's such a dork. But I'm starting to realize the one good thing that's happened: he's my dork.

I knew she was right. Of course she was right. Bex was always right. She knew me better than I knew myself. But then again, isn't that a best friend's job?

Power has always corrupted, my dear. Even the promise of power. It is a hard thing to look at through the fence for hundreds of years without wondering what it would be like on the other side.

A lot of people think that being a Gallagher Girl means not being afraid of anything. Actually, that couldn't be further from the truth. It's not about ignoring fear. It's about facing it, knowing the risks and the costs and sacrificing safety and security anyway.

I didn't know there were this many math guys," Hale said as they stepped onto the crowded concourse.
Kat cleared her throat.
"And women," he added. "Math women.

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